Monday, January 28, 2008


Breathingin-Breathingout is an abstract experiential work, that has been visualised more as a meditative painting than as a motion picture. The work is a fusion of an abstract imagery that has been juxtaposed with a ‘found’ voice over of the breathing technique of Pranayama from the classes of the Yoga teacher- Eoen Finn.
The 5 minute experimental video, expresses the mutually existing principles of life (breathing in & breathing out) and death (not breathing in & not breathing out) through the disjunction of the black visuals against the serene sound of pranayama (breathing technique).

The work was inspired from my confession of the guilt of the death of two birds through my hands. Through the 9 months of shooting and simultaneous editing of my frenzied eyes that represented the birds, gradually transformed into a silent acceptance of the continual strife between sustenance and destruction in life. I have shot and performed for this video at the same time. The foreseeing of what will be captured by the camera before performing in the marked frame was an interesting part of the process. The process required me to observe my own body as an object of performance to be viewed and captured in a frame without forgetting the emotions and guilt attached to it from the past. The work aspires to communicate a meditative feeling concluding in a haiku that essentially life is all about breathing in and breathing out.

Technical information - To be viewed on through a projector on a large screen

Color/b/w -black & white
Time Duration -5 minutes 9 seconds
Year -2006

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